Previous assignments
Nice to see your curiosity, let me introduce some of my previous clients ↴
Branding Glow
W Estetik
This graphic profiling is carried out as a so-called “re-branding” for a client who has outgrown its old branding. Here, I have created an entirely new visual tone and elevated the brand’s feel with a refreshed, modern, and elegant touch.
This brand guide includes, among other things, tone-of-voice, a suite of logos, and an incredibly inspiring moodboard.
Branding Glow
Here you can see the results for my client Nadja Mayr, who runs the company Coming Home to You. In the image, you can see 4 out of 12 pages in the brand guide I developed for her. The image presents the mood board that sets the entire tone for what we aim to achieve. You can also see the color palette and logos we worked on.
Since Nadja already knew she wanted to be able to print merchandise before the process began, we created additional variations/formats of the logos
Branding Light
By Nicole Rescorl
Here you can see the result of my Branding Light + Instagram Glow package for my client Nicole Rescorl. Nicole is a makeup artist and hairstylist who needed help building a graphic foundation for her brand. She works with wedding, event, and TV production clients and wanted to find a tone that feels modern, romantic, and appealing.
In the second image, you can see the result of the social media templates I built as part of Instagram Glow. This package duo is truly fantastic and cost-effective.
Instagram Glow
Dr Amanda Stark
Let me introduce the delivery of Instagram Glow to my client Dr. Amanda Stark. This client started by ordering my Branding Light package where we established the color/fonts and the entire tone.
Then we built upon it with Instagram Glow, which provided a fantastic graphic foundation for social media. This includes social media templates, highlight covers, and a stories template. All to build consistent communication.

Grafiskt annonsmaterial
Beauty By Lina
My recurring client Beauty by Lina hires me regularly for graphic advertising material. In this case, they had hired a new colleague and expanded their range of services. In this package, we added an A4 poster that she could then print out and use as a sign in the salon. All the materials were simply to be saved, uploaded, and sponsored directly on social media.

This customer had a well-functioning website before. But they felt they didn’t really breathe their brand anymore. As the customer is home to both injection treatments and hairdressers, it was important to create a website where the business’s entire range is equally visible.
In this case, I decided to change it completely from scratch. The result was a website with a clear tonality, new images and flexible CTA.
Are you ready to boost your digital presence together with me?