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Digital hospitality!

Let’s identify the customer experience

Wait, what?

What does “digital hospitality” mean, you might be thinking now…

Yes, it’s not entirely obvious. We do not doubt for a second that you as a company offer fantastic customer experiences and build long-term customer relationships. But do your customers receive the same warm treatment when they meet you in your digital showroom?

For us, digital hospitality is about creating the same professional and personal feeling in your digital presence as you would if you met the customer in the physical room. By that we mean, in short: meet your customers with the same experience and care online as offline.

By offering an outstanding digital customer experience, you will strengthen your customer relationships and increase your competitiveness in the market.

Does that sound difficult? No worries, we’ll do it together!

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We take a more thorough look at your company’s digital presence and take the pulse of the customer experience. The digital analysis is carried out in the following channels:

*We can also scan platforms such as TripAdvisor and Google My Business if there is a desire/need.


You get a complete review of how you are seen on your platforms, with the customer experience in focus. But why is it so important to take the pulse of the company’s digital presence?

Simple, because…

We believe in digital hospitality!


How user-friendly is your website?
Does your service match your digital approach?
Is your message clear in Social Media?
Do you attract the same target group in the different rooms?
Do you have a clear call-to-action?

Are you interested in a digital analysis of your business? Contact us and we will tell you more.

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